Yes, that's right. It was beautiful today in San Francisco. Must have been 75 degrees. Sunny and warm was the forecast for seeing Pee-Wee Herman.
Paul Reubens, AKA Pee Wee Herman, was doing a DVD Signing at Amoeba Records, I bought a DVD of the Pee-Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special and the Pee-Wee Herman HBO Special.
In line, we met a few Pee-Wee dress-alikes. One calling himself Punk-Wee and one was She-Wee. I have to admit, She-Wee was amazingly hot. I mean like, stunning smile, deep, beautiful eyes, and a shaved head :)
Anyway, I got a picture with the PeeWee Crew, and they told me about the Paul Reubens day. Every year, on the anniversary of Paul being arrested for jacking off in a theater, they get about 40 people together dressed as PeeWee and go around the bars and strip clubs in the city of San Francisco. Sounds like a plan to me. Count Me In!
We got up to the front of the line, and I very briefly asked paul about the theoretical upcoming Pee-Wee's Playhouse Movie. He said there had been some progress, and signed my stuff. He told Joel that Blow was a very sad movie, and then signed his stuff. We moved on
When Crystal and Rich got to the table, which was about 4 or 6 people later, i looked over and saw Paul (PeeWee) pointing at me. Crystal and Rich would later tell me that he was asking who I was and what I did for a living. After a couple minutes, his assistant came up to me and asked, "Are You Eliot?"
"Mr. Reubens would like your autograph. Sign this and be sure to leave an email address."
O Snap folks, that's right. Pee Wee wanted my autograph. I obliged with the following note:
Thanks for giving me an amazing Xmas memory, and a funky childhood. I owe you. Eliot Cirivello
So there. That's the meat of this story, really. Pee-Wee Herman and I exchanged autographs.
I don't know why I am so attached to his brand of humor, but I think it's because It genuinely is childish. It's not childish as a veil for corrupt or political humor. The style with which this character speaks, moves, and jokes, is uniquely, simply, innocent.
I think the reason people are freaked out by it is because they so expect there to be a sleazy, creepy punch-line to the tight gray suit and fluctuating voice. And there's not. It's just funny. It's just hyperactive, over-exaggerated, guilty fun. It's a character and a show that curses the societal concepts of age and laughs at a world with the zest of a 6 year old.
Do yourself and the world a favor today. Laugh at something truly funny with the zest of a six year old.
Love to all,
You Should Check Out: Paul Reubens on IMDB
And Also Check Out: Pee Wee Herman on Letterman, Early 80s
Golly, it's cuckoo at Pee-wee's Playhouse
Part one of a very bizarre two part adventure involving one of the most genuine people I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.